Solving the Frustrating Error: “The method ‘setTrackingSource’ was not found in ‘_paq’ variable”
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Solving the Frustrating Error: “The method ‘setTrackingSource’ was not found in ‘_paq’ variable”

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Are you tired of encountering the infamous error “The method ‘setTrackingSource’ was not found in ‘_paq’ variable” while trying to implement Matomo (formerly Piwik) analytics on your website? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this error once and for all.

What is the ‘_paq’ variable, and what’s its role in Matomo analytics?

The ‘_paq’ variable is a JavaScript array that stores tracking requests and commands for Matomo analytics. It’s used to queue tracking requests, such as page views, events, and custom variables, before sending them to your Matomo server. Think of it as a messenger between your website and Matomo, allowing you to track user interactions and behavior.

Why does the “setTrackingSource” method not exist in the ‘_paq’ variable?

The “setTrackingSource” method is not a standard part of the ‘_paq’ variable. It’s not a native Matomo function, and that’s why you’re seeing this error. But don’t worry, we’ll explore alternative solutions to achieve your tracking goals.

Diagnosing the issue: Common causes and mistakes

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s identify some common causes of this error:

  • Outdated Matomo version: If you’re running an older version of Matomo, it might not support the “_paq” variable or the “setTrackingSource” method.
  • Incorrect Matomo tracking code: A misplaced or incorrect tracking code snippet can cause this error. Double-check your code and ensure it’s correctly implemented.
  • JavaScript conflicts: Other JavaScript libraries or plugins might be conflicting with Matomo’s tracking code, causing the “_paq” variable to malfunction.
  • Missing or incorrect tracking ID: Verify that your Matomo tracking ID is correct and properly configured in your website’s code.

Solution 1: Using the “setTrackerUrl” method instead

Matomo provides an alternative method to set the tracking source URL: “setTrackerUrl”. This method allows you to specify the URL of your Matomo server.

_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', '']);

Replace “” with the actual URL of your Matomo server. This should resolve the issue if the “setTrackingSource” method is not available.

Solution 2: Implementing custom tracking using the “trackPageView” method

If the “setTrackerUrl” method doesn’t work, you can use the “trackPageView” method to send tracking requests to your Matomo server.

_paq.push(['trackPageView', {
  url: '',
  title: 'Current Page Title',
  referrer: ''

Replace the URL and title placeholders with the actual values for your page. This method allows you to manually track page views and specify the tracking source.

Solution 3: Upgrading to the latest Matomo version

If you’re running an outdated version of Matomo, it’s possible that the “setTrackingSource” method is not supported. Upgrade to the latest version to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

Matomo Version Supported Features
Matomo 4.x Latest features, including improved tracking and analytics
Matomo 3.x Legacy features, limited support for custom tracking

Compare your current Matomo version with the latest version available. If you’re running an older version, consider upgrading to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

Best practices for implementing Matomo analytics

To avoid future tracking issues, follow these best practices when implementing Matomo analytics on your website:

  1. Use the correct tracking code: Ensure you’re using the correct tracking code snippet provided by Matomo, and that it’s correctly implemented on your website.
  2. Verify your tracking ID: Double-check your Matomo tracking ID and ensure it’s correct and properly configured in your code.
  3. Use the latest Matomo version: Regularly update to the latest version of Matomo to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.
  4. Avoid JavaScript conflicts: Minimize the risk of JavaScript conflicts by loading Matomo’s tracking code last, and ensure other libraries and plugins are compatible.
  5. Test and validate tracking: Verify that tracking is working correctly by checking your Matomo dashboard and tracking reports.


The “The method ‘setTrackingSource’ was not found in ‘_paq’ variable” error can be frustrating, but it’s often a sign of a simple misconfiguration or outdated Matomo version. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Matomo analytics up and running smoothly. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest Matomo versions and features to ensure optimal tracking and analytics performance.

Happy tracking!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with the `_paq` variable? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions about the method `setTrackingSource`.

What is the `_paq` variable and why is it causing me so much grief?

The `_paq` variable is a JavaScript object used by Matomo, a popular analytics platform, to track user interactions on your website. It’s a queue that stores tracking requests before sending them to the Matomo server. If you’re seeing the error “The method `setTrackingSource` was not found in `_paq` variable”, it likely means that the `_paq` object hasn’t been properly initialized or is missing essential methods.

Why can’t I find the `setTrackingSource` method in my `_paq` object?

This might happen if you’re using an outdated version of Matomo or if the `_paq` object hasn’t been fully loaded before you’re trying to access the `setTrackingSource` method. Make sure you’re running the latest version of Matomo and that you’re loading the `_paq` object correctly. You can also try checking the Matomo documentation or seeking help from the community to ensure you’re using the correct syntax.

How do I properly initialize the `_paq` object to avoid this error?

To initialize the `_paq` object, you’ll need to add a small JavaScript code snippet to your website. This code typically looks like this: `var _paq = _paq || [];`. Then, you can add tracking requests to the queue using `_paq.push([‘trackPageView’]);`. Make sure to include the Matomo tracking code in your website’s HTML, usually in the footer.

Can I use a third-party library to fix this issue?

While it’s possible to use a third-party library to interact with the `_paq` object, it’s not necessarily the best approach. These libraries might not be optimized for your specific use case, and you might end up with more issues than you started with. Instead, try troubleshooting the problem by checking the Matomo documentation, seeking help from the community, or consulting with a developer who’s familiar with Matomo.

What are some common mistakes that can lead to this error?

Some common mistakes that can lead to the “The method `setTrackingSource` was not found in `_paq` variable” error include: incorrect Matomo tracking code, outdated Matomo version, mismatched tracking IDs, or incorrect syntax when pushing tracking requests to the `_paq` queue. Double-check your code, and make sure you’re following the official Matomo documentation.

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