Mastering the Power of UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy
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Mastering the Power of UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy

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As a data enthusiast, you’re no stranger to the world of SQL and its various dialects. ClickHouse, a column-store database, has gained popularity in recent years due to its exceptional performance and scalability. When paired with SQLAlchemy, a Python SQL toolkit, ClickHouse becomes an unstoppable force in data manipulation and analysis. One of the most powerful features in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy is the UNION DISTINCT operator. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of UNION DISTINCT, exploring its syntax, use cases, and benefits, ensuring you become a master of this essential operator.


UNION DISTINCT is a SQL operator that combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set, eliminating duplicate rows. This operator is a variant of the UNION operator, which, by default, includes duplicates. The DISTINCT keyword ensures that only unique rows are returned, making it an essential tool for data cleaning and deduplication.


SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table2;

In the above syntax, the UNION DISTINCT operator is used to combine the result sets of two SELECT statements. The columns and their corresponding data types must match between the two SELECT statements. If the columns have different names, you can use aliases to match them.


UNION DISTINCT has numerous use cases in data analysis and manipulation. Here are some of the most common scenarios where this operator shines:

  • Data Deduplication

    When working with large datasets, duplicates are inevitable. UNION DISTINCT helps eliminate these duplicates, ensuring that your data is clean and accurate. For instance, if you have two tables with customer information, you can use UNION DISTINCT to combine the data and remove duplicates.

  • Data Integration

    UNION DISTINCT is essential when integrating data from multiple sources. By combining data from different tables or databases, you can create a unified view of your data, eliminating duplicates and inconsistencies.

  • Data Analysis

    When analyzing data, you often need to combine data from multiple tables or sources. UNION DISTINCT helps you do this efficiently, ensuring that your analysis is accurate and reliable.


Using UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved Data Quality

    By eliminating duplicates, UNION DISTINCT helps improve data quality, reducing errors and inconsistencies in your analysis.

  • Increased Efficiency

    UNION DISTINCT reduces the amount of data being processed, making your queries more efficient and faster.

  • Enhanced Data Insight

    By combining data from multiple sources, UNION DISTINCT provides a more comprehensive view of your data, enabling better insights and decision-making.

Examples and Scenarios

Let’s explore some examples and scenarios that demonstrate the power of UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy:

Example 1: Combining Customer Data

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, union_distinct

# Create a ClickHouse engine
engine = create_engine('clickhouse://localhost:9000/default')

# Define two tables with customer data
table1 = select(['customer_id', 'name', 'email']).select_from('customers_1')
table2 = select(['customer_id', 'name', 'email']).select_from('customers_2')

# Use UNION DISTINCT to combine the data
combined_data = union_distinct(table1, table2)

# Execute the query and fetch the results
result = engine.execute(combined_data)
for row in result:

In this example, we use UNION DISTINCT to combine customer data from two tables, eliminating duplicates and ensuring that each customer is listed only once.

Example 2: Integrating Sales Data

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, union_distinct

# Create a ClickHouse engine
engine = create_engine('clickhouse://localhost:9000/default')

# Define two tables with sales data
table1 = select(['product_id', 'amount', 'date']).select_from('sales_1')
table2 = select(['product_id', 'amount', 'date']).select_from('sales_2')

# Use UNION DISTINCT to combine the data
combined_data = union_distinct(table1, table2)

# Execute the query and fetch the results
result = engine.execute(combined_data)
for row in result:

In this example, we use UNION DISTINCT to combine sales data from two tables, eliminating duplicates and ensuring that each sale is listed only once.

Best Practices and Tips

When using UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy, keep the following best practices and tips in mind:

  • Use UNION DISTINCT with Care

    Use UNION DISTINCT only when necessary, as it can impact performance. If you don’t need to eliminate duplicates, use the UNION operator instead.

  • Optimize Your Queries

    Optimize your queries to reduce the amount of data being processed. This will improve performance and reduce the load on your database.

  • Use Aliases

    Use aliases to match column names between the two SELECT statements. This ensures that the columns are correctly matched and combined.


In this article, we explored the world of UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy, covering its syntax, use cases, benefits, and best practices. By mastering this powerful operator, you’ll be able to combine data from multiple sources, eliminate duplicates, and gain a deeper understanding of your data.

Remember to use UNION DISTINCT with care, optimizing your queries and using aliases to match column names. With practice and experience, you’ll become a UNION DISTINCT expert, unlocking the full potential of ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy.

Operator Description
UNION Combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements, including duplicates.
UNION DISTINCT Combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements, eliminating duplicates.
UNION ALL Combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements, including duplicates, and does not remove duplicates.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy. Go ahead and experiment with this operator, and watch your data analysis and manipulation skills soar to new heights!

Happy querying!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Usage of UNION DISTINCT in clickhouse-sqlalchemy” in the requested format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your burning questions about UNION DISTINCT in clickhouse-sqlalchemy!

What is the purpose of using UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy?

UNION DISTINCT is used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements, removing duplicate rows from the result set. In ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy, it’s used to merge multiple queries into a single result set, ensuring that each row is unique.

How does UNION DISTINCT work in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy?

When you use UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy, the database executes each SELECT statement separately and then combines the result sets. It removes duplicate rows from the combined result set, ensuring that only unique rows are returned.

Can I use UNION DISTINCT with multiple queries in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy?

Yes, you can use UNION DISTINCT with multiple queries in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy. The UNION operator can combine two or more SELECT statements, and the DISTINCT keyword ensures that only unique rows are returned in the result set.

How does ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy handle large result sets with UNION DISTINCT?

ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy is optimized for handling large result sets, and UNION DISTINCT is no exception. The database uses efficient algorithms to combine the result sets and remove duplicates, ensuring that even large datasets are processed quickly and efficiently.

Are there any performance considerations when using UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy?

Yes, when using UNION DISTINCT in ClickHouse-SQLAlchemy, you should consider the performance impact of combining large result sets. Make sure to optimize your queries, use efficient indexing, and limit the result set size to ensure optimal performance.

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