How do I download CSV files with URLs starting with “blob”?
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How do I download CSV files with URLs starting with “blob”?

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Welcome to the world of URL mysteries! You’ve stumbled upon a CSV file with a URL that starts with “blob”, and you’re wondering how to download it. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the secrets of blob URLs and CSV downloads.

What are blob URLs, anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of downloading CSV files, let’s take a step back and understand what blob URLs are. Blob URLs, short for Binary Large OBject URLs, are a type of URL that points to a blob of binary data, rather than a traditional file. This binary data can be an image, video, audio file, or even a CSV file! Blob URLs are often used to serve files that are dynamically generated or stored in a database.

The problem with blob URLs and CSV downloads

Now, when you encounter a CSV file with a blob URL, you might think, “Hey, I can just right-click and save this file like I would with any other CSV file.” But, oh no! Blob URLs don’t quite work that way. Since blob URLs don’t point to a physical file, your browser can’t simply download the file like it would with a traditional HTTP URL. This is where the frustration begins.

Solution 1: Using the Browser’s Developer Tools

The first solution involves using your browser’s developer tools to inspect the element and retrieve the CSV file. This method works for most modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

  1. Open the browser’s developer tools by pressing F12 or right-clicking on the page and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element.”
  2. In the developer tools, switch to the “Elements” tab.
  3. Find the element that contains the blob URL. This might be an <a> tag or a JavaScript-generated link.
  4. Right-click on the element and select “Copy as cURL” or “Copy as curl” (the exact option may vary depending on the browser).
  5. Open a terminal or command prompt and paste the cURL command.
  6. Add the following flags to the end of the cURL command: -o output.csv. This will save the output to a file named “output.csv” in the current directory.
  7. Press Enter to run the command. The CSV file will be downloaded to your local machine.
curl 'blob:' -o output.csv

Solution 2: Using a Third-Party Browser Extension

If you’re not comfortable using the developer tools or need a more user-friendly solution, you can turn to browser extensions. There are several extensions available that can help you download CSV files with blob URLs.

One popular extension for Google Chrome is “Blob URL Opener.” This extension allows you to open blob URLs in a new tab, where you can then save the file to your local machine.

  1. Install the Blob URL Opener extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Reload the page containing the blob URL.
  3. Right-click on the blob URL and select “Open blob URL in new tab.”
  4. In the new tab, click on the “Download” button or press Ctrl + S (Windows) or Cmd + S (Mac) to save the file.

Solution 3: Using a Command-Line Tool

If you’re comfortable working with command-line tools, you can use a utility like `curl` or `wget` to download the CSV file. This method works on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

Using `curl`:

curl 'blob:' -o output.csv

Using `wget`:

wget --output-document=output.csv 'blob:'

Make sure to replace `blob:` with the actual blob URL.

Solution 4: Using a Programming Language

If you’re a programmer or have experience with scripting languages, you can use a programming language to download the CSV file. This method works with languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby.

Using Python:

import requests

url = 'blob:'
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)

with open('output.csv', 'wb') as f:
    for chunk in response.iter_content(1024):

Using JavaScript (Node.js):

const axios = require('axios');

const url = 'blob:';
axios.get(url, {responseType: 'stream'})
  .then(response => {
    const writer = fs.createWriteStream('output.csv');;
  .catch(error => {


And there you have it, folks! Four solutions to download CSV files with URLs starting with “blob”. Whether you’re a developer, a power user, or just someone who needs to download a CSV file, there’s a solution that’s right for you.

Solution Description Difficulty Level
Using the Browser’s Developer Tools Uses the browser’s developer tools to inspect the element and retrieve the CSV file. Intermediate
Using a Third-Party Browser Extension Uses a browser extension to open the blob URL in a new tab and download the file. Easy
Using a Command-Line Tool Uses a command-line tool like `curl` or `wget` to download the CSV file. Advanced
Using a Programming Language Uses a programming language to download the CSV file. Advanced

Remember, when dealing with blob URLs, it’s essential to understand the underlying technology and choose the solution that best fits your needs. Happy downloading!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble downloading CSV files with URLs starting with “blob”? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions right here!

What’s the deal with “blob” URLs, anyway?

Ah, great question! “Blob” URLs are a type of URL that references a binary large object (BLOB) stored in a database or file system. They’re often used for storing and serving files, like CSVs, directly from a cloud storage service. Think of it like a special kind of URL that says, “Hey, I’ve got a file for you, but it’s not a regular URL, it’s a blob!”

How do I download a CSV file from a “blob” URL?

Easy peasy! You can use the `curl` command in your terminal to download the file. Here’s an example: `curl -o output.csv`. Just replace the URL with the one you want to download, and `output.csv` with the name you want to save the file as. VoilĂ !

Can I use a web browser to download a “blob” URL?

You can try, but it might not work as expected. Since “blob” URLs are not traditional HTTP URLs, your browser might not know what to do with them. You might get a blank page or an error message. If you really want to use a browser, try using a URL like `` instead. The `?download` part tells the browser to force a download, but no promises it’ll work!

Is there a way to download multiple “blob” URLs at once?

You bet! You can use a tool like `wget` with the `-i` option to download multiple URLs from a file. Create a text file with each URL on a new line, and then run `wget -i your-file.txt`. This will download each file sequentially. Alternatively, you can use a Python script with the `requests` library to download the files in parallel. Just be careful not to overwhelm the server with too many requests!

Are “blob” URLs secure?

Generally, “blob” URLs are as secure as the underlying storage service. If the service uses HTTPS and has proper access controls, then the “blob” URL should be secure too. However, be cautious when sharing “blob” URLs, as they might grant access to the underlying file. Make sure you’re only sharing them with people who need access, and consider using signed URLs or other security measures to protect your files.

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